© / 2023


I'm Manik. Developer, Designer and problem solver.

Captivated by the blend of art and tech, I fearlessly explore web tools like React, Next.js, and CSS. From my first code, I've woven design and development, creating engaging digital experiences.

Fast-forwarding to 2023, my path has embraced an array of experiences - from immersive web design and dynamic animations to HTML/CSS mastery, server development, robust coding, product design, and effective management. Every venture, be it small or substantial, has paved the way for my current achievements.

What ignites my enthusiasm as a Web Developer is the ability to fuse design and functionality into purposeful solutions. It extends beyond creating buttons and websites; it's about crafting resonant experiences. Similar to Product Design, my drive stems from aiding individuals – whether through optimizing SEO strategies, seamless hosting solutions, or enriching user journeys. Just as in web development, the synergy of technical prowess, customer insights, targeted problem-solving, iterative progress, and continuous value refinement shapes remarkable outcomes.

Embracing the words of Steve Jobs,

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

This speaks to my ethos, as I strive not just for surface-level aesthetics, but for functional and impactful creations. I channel my energy into designing solutions that go beyond appearances, ensuring they resonate and truly make a "difference".


As a dedicated frontend developer, my portfolio showcases a journey of self-improvement through personal projects. Despite a slow job market, my passion for development remains unwavering.

- Proficient in React, Next.js, and TypeScript.

- Skilled in Node.js, enabling backend integration and server-side operations.

- Experienced in Redux for efficient state management.

- Well-versed in Tailwind CSS, delivering clean and appealing UI.

- Experienced in AWS server management and leveraging cloud services


Full Stack Devlopment / UI/UX Design / AWS / SEO / User Research / Type Safety / Collaboration / Design Systems / SAAS


Passionate about open source collaboration, I eagerly seek opportunities to contribute to impactful projects. Enthusiastically connecting with like-minded individuals fuels my drive to learn, share insights, and co-create innovative solutions. Let's collaborate to amplify our collective potential.